Wednesday 22 July 2009

Have you had a better offer?


I’ve heard of a similar thing happening twice recently and I have to say it worries me, not only from a BNI point of view, but also from a purely business perspective.

The first occasion was when a person rang to confirm an appointment that had been made some weeks earlier, only to be told by the company concerned that they were just about to call them, to let them know that they couldn’t make the meeting because something urgent had come up.

The second example was, in fact, even worse: the company concerned rang the customer the day before they were due to carry out the work, to let them know that they wouldn’t be coming because they had secured a more profitable job!

Business wise both of these instances are very short sighted, but telling a prospective client that you are taking on a more profitable job than theirs is, well, just unbelievable.

Overall, to my mind any way, it’s just bad business. But in BNI terms it could mean death!

Neither of the members concerned is ever likely to refer these companies again. Having been told about these two companies I too would not refer them. So, think of the potential business that has already been lost.

On top of this, one of the companies concerned was being tested. A large contract was due to be placed. Obviously they didn’t get it.

Now you may be asking why I wouldn’t refer these companies in the future, as obviously from time to time things go wrong. And, of course you are right.

But, the point is this. Yes things do go wrong on occasion, but under normal circumstances it’s your credibility and reputation that is on the line. It’s your customer to lose and so your choice.

But in BNI, it’s my reputation and credibility as well as yours that are at stake. Can I really recommend someone that I know could let down my best customer at the last moment? I don’t think so, do you? And, what is more, it’s not even just my credibility that is at stake, it’s the whole chapter’s, since if my judgement is proved to be unsafe, I will never be trusted again by my contact.

So, if you really want to build your credibility in your chapter never let down someone that has been referred to you. BNI is so much more than just a one-off job!

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