Tuesday, 28 July 2009

John Frye has fun!


BNI Tudor’s photographer, John Frye, had some fun at his meeting this morning. He shot a couple of panoramas, each consisting of between six and eight shots, which he then ‘stitched’ together in Photoshop.


As John says, it was a bit of fun for him, but I think the results are excellent, and it was a great way of showing the chapter what he can do.

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Next Day Delivery


At a recent seminar I attended, one of the points made by the speaker Rob Brown was that ‘Speed Stuns’ and I guess that in truth we all know that, but in practice things just slow us down.

Well this week I was stunned by speed – twice!

I was visiting the Hogarth chapter in Chiswick ( London ) and had offered to take a friend, who was substituting, along with me in my car as we both live in Teddington. After the meeting I was involved with the Leadership Team, so my friend went for a bit of window shopping. Unfortunately, when we arrived back at my office she discovered that she had left her diary in a bank she had popped into.

With the use of the internet and a couple of phone calls the diary was soon found. However, neither of us had time to return to Chiswick that day to recover it, and the bank couldn’t post it, but my friend needed the diary urgently as it contained the details of all of her up coming meetings. I suggested contacting a member of the Hogarth chapter and seeing if they could help.

We chose a member who had an office near to the chapter meeting place and gave them a call. The member in question said that it wouldn’t be a problem to collect the diary and post it. It was better than nothing and in a day or so the diary would be returned.

Imagine my friend's delight when early the next morning the diary arrived on her desk!

It just so happened that the same day I emailed the same Hogarth member for a couple of their company’s catalogues and a few of their business cards. The next day they too arrived on my desk.

Delivering your sales literature fast is certainly impressive, but going to the trouble to collect something for someone you hardly know and getting it delivered the next day, is something special.

We talk a great deal about credibility in BNI, about knowing, liking, and trusting someone. Well, this new Hogarth member has certainly got off to a speedy start in my book.

I mentioned Rob Brown to the member concerned and that he had talked about how speed stunned, and their credibility rose even further, as their reply was ‘only if you give the customer what they want’.

So, speed does stun and if you give your customer, or your fellow chapter member, what they want, your credibility will certainly rise.

The catalogue I asked for was a baby catalogue from Perfectly Happy People and you can contact Jane Johnstone by email at: jane@phpbaby.com

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Have you had a better offer?


I’ve heard of a similar thing happening twice recently and I have to say it worries me, not only from a BNI point of view, but also from a purely business perspective.

The first occasion was when a person rang to confirm an appointment that had been made some weeks earlier, only to be told by the company concerned that they were just about to call them, to let them know that they couldn’t make the meeting because something urgent had come up.

The second example was, in fact, even worse: the company concerned rang the customer the day before they were due to carry out the work, to let them know that they wouldn’t be coming because they had secured a more profitable job!

Business wise both of these instances are very short sighted, but telling a prospective client that you are taking on a more profitable job than theirs is, well, just unbelievable.

Overall, to my mind any way, it’s just bad business. But in BNI terms it could mean death!

Neither of the members concerned is ever likely to refer these companies again. Having been told about these two companies I too would not refer them. So, think of the potential business that has already been lost.

On top of this, one of the companies concerned was being tested. A large contract was due to be placed. Obviously they didn’t get it.

Now you may be asking why I wouldn’t refer these companies in the future, as obviously from time to time things go wrong. And, of course you are right.

But, the point is this. Yes things do go wrong on occasion, but under normal circumstances it’s your credibility and reputation that is on the line. It’s your customer to lose and so your choice.

But in BNI, it’s my reputation and credibility as well as yours that are at stake. Can I really recommend someone that I know could let down my best customer at the last moment? I don’t think so, do you? And, what is more, it’s not even just my credibility that is at stake, it’s the whole chapter’s, since if my judgement is proved to be unsafe, I will never be trusted again by my contact.

So, if you really want to build your credibility in your chapter never let down someone that has been referred to you. BNI is so much more than just a one-off job!

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Do you wear blinkers at your BNI meeting?


It often happens at networking events, but it should never happen at a BNI meeting. And yet it did this week!

A new member of a group was left on their own. I was busy sorting out some papers for the meeting and watched as she stood not knowing who to talk to; everyone seemed so deep in private conversations.

Finally, I was able to join her and ask how she was, could I introduce her to someone? But she said that she had tried to join in a conversation or two but no one seemed that interested.

To say I was stunned is something of an understatement!

My first thought was what were the Visitor Hosts doing? Having scanned the room I could see that they were all busy, although not with new visitors or visiting substitutes. I then looked for the Leadership Team and they to all seemed to be doing something. And lastly, I looked at the other members; they too seemed busy, deep in conversation with each other or just waiting for a coffee.

Neglecting a visitor or not, can often be the difference between that visitor wanting to join your chapter or not. So, whether you are a Visitor Host, Leadership Team member, or a member, please never leave anyone on their own.

Take your blinkers off and make sure you watch out for anyone left on their own. Not just visitors, but also substitutes and new members. On occasion even established members can’t find a conversation to join.

Imagine how you would feel left on your own in a room full of people and take action!

Thursday, 9 July 2009

How well do you know your referral?


Most of us when given a referral thank the member who gave it to us, check what it is about, confirm the contact details, and then off we go.

We then contact the person concerned, say who introduced us, and talk about the referral, hoping that this will lead to a meeting and then the opportunity to do some business. And, with a good referral this is exactly what happens.

But, how about this for an idea? Tim Cook, one of the National Directors of UK and Ireland, suggested the following as a great idea for increasing the chances of turning a referral into a valuable piece of business. His idea is really simple, but I wonder how many of us have had the same idea?

Before you contact the person referred, go back to the member who gave you the referral and ask for some background information on the person. Not too much, just enough to give you a better chance of making a connection. After all BNI is all about liking and trusting each other and building relationships. So why not get some additional facts that might help you bond more quickly with the person referred?

So, if you want to increase your conversion rate of referrals into actual business why not give Tim’s idea a try?