I’m sure that you have heard that ‘facts tell: stories
sell’, but why is that? Well, from the
beginning of time man has loved a good story and we all know stories that have
been passed on and on for thousands of years.
We can relate to a story; we can imagine ourselves being part of the
story, and, this is the clever bit, if we allow our customers to be part of our
story we will have more success.
Something that I also suggest to my members is that they
become the story. So what exactly do I
mean by that? Well you want people to
talk about you; that you are a ‘story’ worth passing on. Think of you going viral!
So, what is it about you and your company that is worth
talking about? What could you do to
become a story?
Now to be honest I’m not really into Shakespeare, although ‘Shakespeare in Love’ is one of my favourite films, so poems don’t usually 'do it' for me. However, I was at the Business Class chapter in Richmond this week when Rick Joseph of Aztec Removals got up to do his 60 Seconds. Maybe I think it’s great because it has my name in it, or it might be because of the clever way he hands back to the Leadership Team (Garry is the CD and Yvonne the MC), but what I do know is that I’m talking about Rick.
Rick’s 60 Seconds
Hello friends, my name is Rick
I live in a house near Hampton Wick
Aztec Removals is the name of my firm.
I hope this rhyme doesn't make you squirm.
My last sixty seconds was all about storage,
But today I'm gonna start with the City of Norwich:
A lovely town up the a-eleven;
But the a-three-o-three goes down to Devon.
I've moved people's homes to all those places.
They go where the work is, meet new faces,
Get out of the Smoke, kick over the traces.
They call me up: Do you do long-distance?
'Cos if you do I'll need your assistance.
Pack my stuff into cardboard boxes,
Load 'em on the truck, shoo away the foxes,
Dismantle my bed and re-assemble it.
I'd even do a job for David Wimblett.
That's all folks. That's my speech.
I hope you liked it one and each.
Do I have a cheerful note to leave on?
Nah. I'll pass you back to Garry and Yvonne.
So, what do you think?
Don’t know about you, but I know Aztec Removals does storage and moves
homes up and down the country. And, that
he’s probably fun to work with.
If you get people telling stories about you, mind they are
good ones, you will do more business.