Saturday 1 November 2008

I do!


When a new member joins their BNI chapter, having been accepted by the Membership Committee, they are inducted into the group by the Chapter Director.

This normally requires the new member to join the Chapter Director centre stage to be welcomed into the group and to agree to the BNI Code of Ethics. Chapter Directors and BNI Directors treat this induction in many different ways, from just a straight reading of the code to having a bit of fun: raise your right hand, roll up your left trouser leg.... Just a joke to settle the nerves - I’ve never seen it done!

Whichever method is chosen, the new member will need to say ‘I will’ or ‘I do’ in acceptance of the Code of Ethics and this usually results in a few witticisms - ‘It’s okay, you're not getting married!’ being a favourite.

Well, this week the new member turned the tables on the Chapter Director. The lady concerned was asked to join the Chapter Director at the head of the meeting and as she made her way to the front she slipped a tiara on to her head and produced a bouquet of flowers to hold! All the way through the Code of Ethics she stood and gazed sweetly at the Chapter Director and then said ‘I will’ when required.

She brought the house down and without doubt her attitude will make her a great new member of her chapter.

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