Saturday 8 January 2011

No 60 Seconds


At a recent Presentation Skills workshop, the trainer, having just helped the members in attendance write two new 60 Seconds, asked if anyone would like the opportunity to practise their new 60 Seconds on the group. Not one hand went up! After a little coaxing three of the forty or so members in the room gave a 60 Seconds and I have to say, knowing a couple of the members concerned, their presentations were much improved. But, the amazing thing is that this type of situation happens at many workshops: when given the chance to showcase their businesses members don’t appear to want to.

On this particular evening at least half of the members in the room were new to each other, so what better way of letting these members know what they did than to be one of only three members doing a full 60 Seconds? As business people we pay a great deal of money to advertise our businesses and we also need to take advantage of every opportunity given to us. So, when you are next at a workshop and the trainer asks if you would like to give your 60 Seconds, please make sure that your hand is up first out of all those in the room and that you get the chance to let all of those there know exactly how you can help them and what you are looking for. You may just be surprised at the result!

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