Thursday 11 October 2012

Your Top Three?


I visited BNI Commonwealth this week who meet at The Caledonian Club, Hyde Park, London. In fact I was substituting for Paulina Sygulska of Grant Tree and I must thank her for asking me.

You see, believe it or not, I had never been to a lunchtime meeting before, and I have to say that I really enjoyed myself. The meeting was well run and business focused but also nicely relaxed. Of course that may have just been the chapter and nothing to do with the time, but it did feel different.

What Paulina also did was to ensure that all of her fellow members knew that I was a visiting BNI Director. It was in the 60 Seconds that she gave me to read on her behalf, advising that they should take advantage of me being there!

Two new members were inducted during the meeting, which is always great to see, and, as it turned out, one of them (Jo Rogers) was sitting next to me.

At the end of the meeting Jo turned to me and asked what my Top Three Tips were for a new member. Nothing like being put on the spot!

Below are my Top Three Tips. Do you agree?

1) Really get involved

2) Attend workshops

3) Bring lots of visitors


Somer Design said...

Hi David,

Lovely to meet you yesterday, wish I could have spent longer talking with you. We'd love to see you again and learn from your experience. I stepped into the role of membership co-ordinator last week and have so many questions to ask. Hope that you'll visit again soon.

Best wishes

David Wimblett said...

Hi Caroline,

It was great to meet you and I really pleased that I added some value to the meeting.

Would love to visit again.
