Monday 18 May 2009

Ask for Feedback


Recently, my Area Director was telling me about a chapter visit she had made, and in particular about the 60 Seconds she had listened to. Or, to be more precise, one she had not heard.

She had turned to the member beside her and whispered, ‘I didn’t hear anything they said!’ And the member replied that in over a year that they hadn’t heard anything either!

I won’t tell you anything else of the story, other than to say that if there is someone in your chapter that you can’t hear, please be a good friend and let them know.

However, it got me thinking. Does any of us really know what our fellow members think of our 60 Seconds? Not just can they hear us, but do we educate them? Is our message clear? Do they know what we are looking for? Are they crystal clear about exactly what we do?

We might think that we are doing a great job, but, especially if referrals are low, do our fellow members agree?

So, I have a couple of ideas that you might like to try. The first is easy. Every time that you have a One2One make it one of your questions. Ask if your 60 Seconds are providing the right kind of information to help find you referrals.

The second idea is more difficult to do and may result in you opening yourself up to some harsh truths, but may well result in some great business in the future. Find someone in the chapter whom you really trust and whom you know will be objective and ask them to give you some real feedback on your 60 Seconds – warts and all.

If they agree, don’t take what they say personally. You asked for their help! Consider their observations and suggestions, and, if you agree, change your 60 Seconds accordingly. And then ask them for their feedback again.

Oh, and why not ask them if they would like some feedback on their 60 Seconds?

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