Monday 1 June 2009

Just out of interest – who does your printing?


No, I’m not asking for a referral for my company Imperial Printers but it’s a great line to use when looking for referrals for someone in your chapter.

Of course you may have to change the ‘Who does your printing?’ part, if you don’t have a printer in your chapter!

But what a great line and it is so easy to use. I can imagine myself as Columbo (I’m watching the re-runs, only joking), turning as I am about to leave a meeting and asking that ‘killer’ question, ‘Just out of interest – who does your lawn-cutting?’

It works with just about any type of business. ‘Who does your payroll?’, ‘Who services your car?’, ‘Who does your book-keeping?’

Then, depending on the answer, you have the perfect start to a conversation that may just lead to a referral. Ask your contact if they are happy with the service that they are getting from their current supplier. Would they be happy to speak to a good friend of yours that is looking for more business and that you can recommend.

Or, you may get lucky and they say, ‘Why? Do you know someone? I really need to contact someone now.’

So, why not give it a try this week. Pick someone in your chapter that you would like to find a referral for and every time you leave a meeting this week, or are about to end a telephone conversation, ask ‘Just out of interest – who does your xxxxxxx?’

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