Monday 5 October 2009

180 words!


Do you find it hard to finish your 60 Seconds in just a minute, and always end up having your punch-line cut?

Well, you are not alone as many members do. Some members try and get the all important message in by talking really fast as they sit down, others try and get extra time but are drowned out by a bell, or similar deterrent, while others just throw their hands in the air and give up. But all fail to make the best use of their 60 Seconds, and it is so easy with a little planning.

And, that really is the key – planning!

Hopefully you would never go to see a client without having your sales pitch ready, so why would you turn up at your chapter meeting and think you can ‘wing’ it? Even the most gifted speakers can’t really ad lib a 60 Seconds, unless they also have a stop-watch in their head. Maybe they can get close, but unless you are one of those lucky people, you have to plan and practise.

So, first write your 60 Seconds and hone it until your message is clear and concise. Then practise speaking it, not reading it, but saying it out loud. Most of us read faster than we speak, so it’s really important to speak it out loud. And then learn it, so that you don’t need your copy when you present your 60 Seconds.

With just a little planning you will never have to rush your 60 Seconds again, but more importantly you will never lose another punch-line!

One last thing, 180 words is about the most you can say in a minute.

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