Thursday 22 April 2010

Could you be Columbo?


I’m sure you know who I mean. The crumpled TV cop of the 70s who always got his man (or woman).

No. I’m not suggesting that you buy a battered old car and a dog, but his famous ‘just one more thing’ question, always said as if an afterthought, really works well for me.

BNI and word-of-mouth is all about not having to cold-call. After all, don’t we recommend each other? But sometimes it’s fun to get out of your comfort zone and if you do, and you are brave enough, you can get some amazing results.

So, obviously this is about face-to-face contact, but I don’t in truth consider it cold-calling, as it’s not trying to sell anything. I’m just popping in to a local company for a chat, to tell them about the group of amazing business people I work with and maybe they would like to meet them.

That’s it!

They either say yes or no. Sometimes I get a maybe. But whether it is no or maybe I get to leave an invite to my chapter. If yes, I invite them to the next meeting. And, then I leave.

But, just as I am about to reach the door comes the Columbo moment!

I turn and say, ‘Oh. I’m a printer by the way. Is it okay if I leave you my card? Just in case.’ I’ve never had anyone say no, but I have had more than one person ask me to quote on some work.

Having a chat with someone is nothing like cold-calling and you never know you might just get a visitor, client, or, if you are very lucky, both.

Please let me know how you get on.


Ashley Winston said...

Hey! Columbo's car was a classic - a 1959 Peugeot 403 Cabriolet - not some battered piece of rubbish... or am I missing the point of the blog? ASW

Unknown said...

Hi David
I do go and talk to my local shops and I have never been shown the door. They have always been most polite even if its been a no or maybe.
But I have never tried the Columbo touch!