Thursday 24 June 2010

Nothing to contribute!


Every BNI member knows that there are three ways in which you can contribute at your meetings each week:

A visitor - my favourite, as visitors bring so much to our meetings and if they become members add even more,

A referral (or more than one),

A testimonial.

Now, as I have said before, I think visitors are undervalued by many members because they don’t see any immediate gain for themselves, unlike with a referral, but I also think the same is true of the testimonial. And, this is because some members see the testimonial as a ‘cop out’; a member has nothing else, so let’s write a testimonial.

But again, these members are missing the point. A brilliant testimonial can be great for the chapter in a number of ways: they lift the group (as they are positive), show visitors how professional the members of the chapter are, raise the credibility of the member being given the testimonial, and in turn increase the number of referrals for that member and the chapter as a whole.

And, talking of being positive...

Many great meetings are destroyed when a member stands up and says ‘Nothing this week’. And, if a second or third member follows suit, with a nothing, you can see all the energy drain from the other members.

So, please, if nothing else give a verbal testimonial. If not for a member, then how about for a workshop, Members’ Day, help from your RD/AD, or BNI in general? This may not be perfect, but so much better than – ‘nothing’!

I would just like to add two things here. I think all Chapter Directors should allow all members to be positive in their meetings and members please don’t use the verbal testimonial as a ‘cop out’.

Oh, one last thing. Membership Co-ordinators, what do you do if a member seems to be taking ‘advantage’ of the verbal testimonial?

Answer: discuss the member at your next committee meeting and take the appropriate action.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have a great deal of sympathy with this weeks blog. The worst thing is when a member stands up and defiantly comes out with 'No Contributions'. This week I had no official contribution other than a couple of Visitor Cards but I could add that I had been to a Members Day. As usual there is a balance and you brought this out in the reference to Membership Committee action.
Incidentally the Members Day was great with Dinah Liversidge, Penny Power, Iain Whyte and Ivan Misner himself.