Tuesday 29 November 2011

70% of members!


I was one of the members attending a workshop recently and just out of interest counted how many of us were in the room. In total we were fifty-nine, most of whom I didn’t know.

Part way through the workshop we were asked how many of us had ever got business from a workshop and a fair number of hands went up. I was busy counting again. I’m just like that! There were forty-one hands being held aloft. I wrote the number on my pad and put a circle around it, adding ‘number of members who have got business from attending a workshop’. I have to confess that the number even surprised me, and as a matter of interest I worked out the percentage when I arrived home - it was 70%.

Now workshops are always worth attending for what you learn, be it to help you in your chapter, your business, or even you privately. But if there is a 70% chance of picking up business as well I have to wonder if there are many better ways of getting new business. It’s certainly far better than most of the ways that I know of to find more customers. Far higher than at your average networking event.

So, with five workshops (in my region) and MSP (Member Success Programme) there is every reason to attend on a regular basis.

But please don’t go to a workshop and expect to find a new customer there and then. Like everything, it’s about building a relationship. You might even have to attend a few workshops, but what’s the worst that can happen? You improve in what you are doing!

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