Friday 12 December 2014

The Expert

Recently I saw a 10 Minute which I thought was brilliant and which turned out to be very effective.

It was by a video company. There was no personal stuff, no qualifications or how long they had been in business, no 'what makes a great referral', no request for target clients, no selling and no questions. Not even a memory hook.

The person concerned didn't even show any of his company's own videos!

The title of the presentation was 'What makes a winning video'.

We were educated on what makes a great video: from why a business needed a video, to planning, scripting, location, shooting, lighting, sound (very important), titles and length. At each stage we were shown videos (short clips) which demonstrated the points being made.

As I say it was a great 10 Minutes: very professional, well planned, well scripted and executed. What came across was that this man knew his business; he was an expert in his field.

He did get one quick question at the end, from a visitor, 'Do you make videos?' His simple answer was 'Yes'.

During the referral part of the meeting he received three referrals: one from the visitor, who had asked the question, and two from members who wanted a video shot for their own business.

Now I'm not suggesting that you go out and do a similar 10 Minute next week, and I know you shouldn't sell to the room (he did no selling), but

I do think that if you get seen as an expert in your field you will get many more referrals. So it's worth considering how you can use this idea not only in a 10 Minute presentation but in everything you do.

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