Tuesday 21 April 2015

Vote Wakeham

Last Thursday I subbed for Peter Voice of PHP Heating & Plumbing at BNI Guildford. It was my first visit to the chapter and I have to say it was great. Forty people in the room, some very good 60 Seconds and I even sold a couple of my books.

The best part of the meeting? The 60 Second round. There were some brilliant 60 Seconds but one stood out above the others: the member getting a spontaneous round of applause and later winning the Best 60 Second award.

So what made it so good? Well, pretty much everything. It was of the moment, the acting was superb, it was very clever, included humour, and told us exactly what the member did, how they helped people and the sort of business they were looking for.

The opening line was (pretty much) – “Ladies and Gentlemen – I stand before you as the BEL Letting Party – your lettings candidate and current member for Guildford.”

Glenn Wakeham is the owner of Belvoir, Sales and Lettings, and the way he stood, spoke and moved would have been up there with the very best politicians.

Glenn then went on to tell us about his achievements over the past five years.

Job Creation: up 500%.

Wealth and Opportunities.

I liked this line, “The NHS – our health service – our excellent record will continue to ensure doctors and nurses live in affordable houses near Royal Surrey.”



Housing had another wonderful line, “Others may speak of ‘Right to Buy’ but we say ‘Right to Buy to Let.”

Everything was covered and he ended with “Vote Belvoir, for five more years of a better Guildford.”

What made Glenn’s 60 Seconds so good? Well, as I’ve said before, he became the story. A story that others would tell their friends and contacts about; exactly what I’m doing right here.

Glenn Wakeham certainly gets my vote!

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