Sunday 14 December 2008

Have you taken your partner to your meeting?


Does your partner, wife, husband, girl friend, boy friend, wonder just what you see in your weekly chapter meetings? Do they look at you with pity? Just can't see what all the fuss is about? And, can't believe, that come rain or shine, every week you are out of bed at 5.30 am to go to some strange business meeting where people just help each other?!

Well, I know a great many members whose partners don't get BNI and, if you are in the same position, why not take them to your next meeting?

Why? Because it's amazing how a meeting can completely change their point of view of what you get up to each week. I've seen it happen a number of times. Suddenly they understand what BNI is all about. Seeing it with their own eyes, meeting the other members, shows them what you were never really able to explain.

It's the same as when you are inviting any visitor - you just can't do justice to a great meeting in simple words.

I was at a chapter recently where a member's wife was subbing for her husband. She opened with, 'I don't think much of these meetings', and basicly told us that she thought BNI was pretty much a waste of time, but her husband needed her to be there so here she was. Not a great start to the morning I can tell you and I hoped that the visitors in the room didn't meet her! After the meeting she came up to me, a smile all over her face. She said that she had been wrong and had completely changed her mind. Everyone had made her feel so welcome and she just hadn't reliaised what a great group of people the members were.

But, do you want to know the other thing that happens? They pass referrals! I heard one lady whisper to her husband, ' didn't tell me about that lovely lady who does head massage, with candles and music ...'.

And, if you are really lucky, having met the members and listened to what they do, your partner will start to find referrals.

So, your fellow members will be more than happy and with luck you will have an extra referral source for good!

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