Sunday 14 June 2009

Focus on your credibility not selling


I was reading SuccessNet Online recently and came across an article in the ‘My BNI Story’ section which had the title ‘The $3M Dollar Deal’. Well, I had to have a look! Wouldn’t you? It was only a very short piece and, in fact, these eight words were all that were really needed: ‘I focused on building credibility instead of selling’.

Something that a great many BNI members forget is that BNI is not about selling. Selling, if you listen carefully, is seldom mentioned but, on the other hand, Know, Like and Trust are always talked about. And what do Know, Like and Trust all add up to, other than your credibility?

So, if you would like to improve the value of the referrals that you receive, I suggest that you take the advice of Connie Rankin and concentrate on your credibility rather than just selling.

The $3M Dollar Deal

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