Sunday 20 July 2008

How many times have you seen your favourite film?


I must have seen my favourite film at least a dozen times and I’ve watched every episode of The West Wing three times and each time I watch them I notice something more. There are always bits I don’t remember and, more often than not, parts that make more sense seen a second or third time in watching – the odd line that I didn’t fully understand the significance of becomes clear.

The point is every time I watch I get more out of the film and in some ways it’s more fun. Okay, I know who dies and how the film ends, who is going to be the next president in the West Wing, but let’s face it, when 007 gets into a spot of bother we know he is going to be okay. We are just interested in how he will get out of it this time!

Now you may be thinking, that’s all very well, but what has it got to do with BNI?

Well, it’s amazing how many members I meet that say, ‘Oh. I’ve done that workshop. Why would I want to go again?’

Clearly there are the obvious reasons: workshops develop and change, the networking possibilities with a different set of members, motivation. But what about the simple fact that first time round you won’t have taken everything in?

I’ve been to some workshops over half a dozen times and every time I pick up something new. Suddenly something will become crystal clear in my mind because the speaker explained it in a slightly different way. I’m reminded of something that I’ve stopped doing or in fact sometimes something I’ve never done.

You can only benefit from attending a workshop. So if not for your own business, please go along as often as you can for your fellow chapter members - you may just find that you benefit anyway!

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