Sunday 3 February 2008

Why a BNI Blog?


Well it’s simple really. I’ve been in BNI for sometime now, have held every position in a chapter, attended numerous training sessions, been to every workshop, visited a number of different chapters, subbed at other chapters, attended Awards Dinners, Member Days, forums and all manner of social events.

During this time I have talked to a great many people from Dr. Ivan Misner to Frank J. De Raffele Jr., to Mr and Mrs Lawson, to Area Directors, Regional Directors, Leadership Teams, Committee Members and members. And from every single one learned something useful. On top of that I have developed my own ideas on things. So I have a head full of all this experience, some good, some bad, that is just sort of there!

I became an RD so that I could give something back and pass some experience on, and it was when I was talking to a soon-to-be Chapter Director that he said if only you could write all this stuff down for me. Easier said than done I said. Where would I start?

So this is for him. A collection of thoughts, as they come to me, that may help anyone in BNI. They are my thoughts and have not been okayed by BNI, so please do not assume that what I say is backed by BNI. I will say, however, that everything I say I hope will help you get more out of BNI and understand what a great business BNI is.

Please feel free to comment on anything you read.

1 comment:

BNI NZ said...

I love your blog and would like to see if there is a way we can feature some of your content on our recently posted blog -

Looking forwards to hearing from you.

Graham Southwell
BNI New Zealand