Saturday 13 November 2010

Who runs your chapter?


I was asked recently who actually ran a BNI chapter and the easy answer is the Leadership Team. But, like most things, it depends on who’s asking and why!

So, I will expand a little and use a company set-up as my analogy.

Obviously the Leadership Team runs the chapter, but with the help of the Membership Committee (HR, marketing, etc), the Visitor Hosts (reception and sales), Education Co-ordinator (training) and Events Co-ordinator (PR, events and other fun stuff). The Membership Committee is chaired by the Membership Co-ordinator, with the Visitor Hosts reporting to the Membership Committee and both the Education Co-ordinator and Events Co-ordinator reporting to the Chapter Director.

We then have the Secretary/Treasurer who is the Finance Director and looks after all things involving money, including keeping accounts. Their job is also to assist the Chapter Director and look after the 10 Minute speakers.

Then there is the Membership Co-ordinator who is the Marketing and HR Director and they have two key roles, building the business and ensuring that the company runs as directed. They also assist the Chapter Director as required.

Lastly, we have the Chapter Director, who is the Managing Director of the company. And like any Managing Director they are responsible for making sure that the company runs smoothly and that everyone is doing their job. They are the face of the company and provide direction and motivation.

So, depending on who is asking the question and why, I hope that helps. But, ultimately, if you want just one person, then it is the Chapter Director.

But, the final accountability rests with your Regional Director.

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