Thursday 25 November 2010

Who’s in your BNI card file?

I’m sure that we all put into our BNI card files a few business cards of every new member that joins our chapter, but what other cards are in there? When did you last give your file a spring clean?

The question as to whose business cards should be in your card file came up at a recent Member Success Training and my answer was easy. All the members of your chapter.

Strangely this answer caused something of a debate because some of the more long term BNI members present had other ideas. It seemed that their BNI card files were full of all sorts of people’s business cards.

So, just who should have business cards in your BNI card file? Well, the answer is very easy, as I said earlier: only the members of your chapter and of course yours. I'll explain why.

Firstly, it is a BNI card folder, so that means only BNI members, no one else. Secondly, only current members of your chapter: no ex-members or members of other BNI chapters. Why? Well, again the answer is simple.

We carry our BNI card files in order to find referrals for the members of our group. Not for ex-members, members of other chapters, other business people we know or, indeed, friends. Having our business cards in each other’s card file is a privilege of our membership.

Still not convinced? Well, how about looking at it like this? Say that your business card is in a fellow chapter member’s card file, but, as well as your card, there is the card of the person who was in your category before you, and the card of the member's best mate who does the same as you. How would you feel competing with two other people? Knowing that the member was recommending two other people other than you? Not impressed comes to mind.

So, why not give your BNI card file a spring clean and clear out all of those old cards. And, if you really want to keep the old cards for reference then why not get another card file – non BNI of course!


Bob G said...

I can see why it would cause some debate - I don't disagree with your view about the BNI Card File - that's what it's for . . . BNI Members.

The point that needs clarification though is that BNI members in your Chapter have to earn the right to be referred; they need to establish their credibility and trust before having their Referrer risk his or her credibility on them.

The BNI Chapter gives them the opportunity to showcase their skills, credibility, reliability and build that trust.

If I had a referral opportunity I first look to my BNI Members, and PROVIDED they have passed my measures of trust and credibility, THEN I would refer them; if they didn't I would refer the prospect elsewhere, where my confidence was more established.

I constantly train new members (I'm a BNI Exec Director) into understanding they have to EARN the TRUST of their referral partners - it's not a BNI Given right to receive referrals, just because they joined a Chapter. It's all about managing the RISK to the REFERRER - and that's where they should focus their effort.

In that sense, Heather's point of referring the RIGHT person for the job, is valid. However, if in a BNI Chapter, all things being equal, I would expect the BNI member would get the opportunity.

The debatable point is the loyalty you show to past referral partners - that's a personal decision, however I think it is natural that most people would be influenced by the focus of their referral partner (BNI, ex BNI or other) on reciprocating your gestures - it is more likely you will receive reciprocation in your Chapter where it is the focus of the group and measurable.

Dinah L said...

Interesting blog David.
I always train members to carry the BNI folder with them as it is a great way to start a conversation. However, I have BNI members in my card file who are not members of my own chapter.
The only people in my BNI card file are people I would recommend. I do not want to have to say "actually that person is just there because I have to carry their card."
So is it a card file for BNI members - yes. But only those I would recommend. As Bob says - it is a privilege to be referred to one of my clients, not a right of membership.

Anonymous said...

Business cards are so important when it comes to promote yourself on other people. A well designed and printed business card can impress and make people take notice and remember you.Plastic Cards